Friday, 22 August 2014

KJV Bible - Red Text apk free download

KJV Bible - Red Text

Books & Reference

Download .apk

KJV Bible - Red Text is a basic, simple to use Bible application.

It includes the full Bible text in the KJV - King James Version Bible. The app is completely accessible offline.

This Bible allows you to bookmark and highlight your favorite verses.

It also features a random button to bring you to a completely random but doubtlessly God inspired section of scripture.

It includes a night/day mode. This allows the user to change between a black background for night time reading, and a more traditional white background for daytime reading.

It also allows you to chose the amount of verses on display, and change the font size of the Bible text.

Finally "KJV Bible - Red Text" also has the words of Jesus in red.

We advise you to try it first with the free version of our KJV Bible app, also available in the android market.

Download .apk

Rogen: Yes download KJV Bible - Red Text free android app . Graeme Revell was our composer. He's great, he's The Crow and stuff like that. He's doing really great intense action movies, but we wanted to kind of synthy eighties, as Michael Mann as Manhunter y score, like a Miami Vice sounding score, and he be be in a synth band, Graeme Revell, so he did that really well.

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