Thursday, 21 August 2014

download SMS Reminder Pro free android app

SMS Reminder Pro


Download .apk

Often you miss text messages only to find them minutes after, or sometimes longer, because your phone was too quiet or you were in a different room than your phone. SMSReminder Pro will alert you until you have acknowledged these SMS messages or missed phone calls.

You choose how often you would like to be reminded, what sound should play and if the phone should vibrate. You can even choose for SMSReminder Pro to display a message on the screen of the device.


*NEW FEATURE: Text-To-Speech! Let your phone tell you who called or sent a text message!

*NEW FEATURE: Turn off reminders while the phone is plugged in - Great for while you're sleeping

*Be reminded of SMS text messages and or Missed phone calls.

*Be reminded once, or multiple times.

*Choose any notification sound on your phone.

*Override Silence so you don't miss an important message or call.

*Choose from different vibration settings.

*Display a message count on screen.

**Uninstall SMSReminder Lite before installing SMSReminder Pro**

Please feel free to send us an email with any problems you may encounter with this app or features you would like to see. We are very excited to further develop this app and would love to hear from you.


Download .apk

The rather badass trailer for Scott Stewart, Priest, TokyoPop TokyoPop comic book debut, first in / during the Comic-Con, and we featured an article about it back then, but it has since moved. However, Screen Gems has now a 'second'official trailer debuted as a priest, the please please download SMS Reminder Pro 1.4.4 free android app . It still looks as good as it was at Comic-Con, which is surprising, because I looked like crap thought Stewart's Legion in the last year, but it looks like she actually took the action and visuals to the next level. I am not sure if it will be a hit next summer, but you never know. I am hope for the best, I want this to be awesome! Check out the new trailer below.

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