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mbhRemote is a remote control app that interfaces with Global Cache' hardware devices, a built in IR blasters or other networked hardware devices. With mbhRemote and an IR blaster device such as a Global Cache' iTach IR, you can control any equipment that uses an IR remote.
One or more of the following is required by this app:
- A Global Cache' hardware device
- A hardware device which can be controlled over a home network
- An Android device with a supported built in IR Blaster such as the HTC One
** Full Disclosure **
mbhRemote was designed for users who are looking for a customizable remote app. mbhRemote must be programmed. In most cases you will have to program each remote button individually. There is no 'wizard' style setup. If you are looking for a remote app where you select your equipment manufacturer / model and then everything is configured for you, you should look elsewhere. If you're not sure if mbhRemote is for you, try 'mbhRemote Demo 2' for free before buying.
Communicates directly with your Global Cache' hardware or built in IR Blaster. There is no additional software to install.
Support for the following Global Cache' devices
iTach IR
iTach Relay
iTach Serial
iTach Flex devices.
Support for non Global Cache network devices. In the device setup screen select device type 'Other'.
Send IR with the following devices
Any Global Cache' device which supports IR
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2
Samsung Galaxy S4
Learn IR with the following devices
iTach IR
iTach Flex
GC-100 with GC-IRL
Import IR codes from the following sources
Global Cache's online IR database
A Global Cache' iLearn file
A text file with Pronto hex format IR codes as can be found on RemoteCentral.com (Email me if you need a sample)
Send any data to any networked device using http, raw tcp or raw udp.
Button press plugin for Tasker integration.
Unlimited number of remotes can be created.
Unlimited number of networked devices can be configured.
Multiple remote views - normal remote, keypad, swipe remote and tablet remote. The swipe pad can send left, right, up, down and select button presses with touch screen gestures. It's a great way to navigate menus and program guides. The tablet remote is a composite of the keypad, swiper and normal remote.
Ability to program hardware volume buttons
Import / Export to save and load programmed data
User definable text for blank buttons
User definable text size and color per remote which can also be overridden per button
User definable button size per remote to customize the overall size of a remote
Macros with an unlimited number of commands
Optional macro on open of a remote
Create a home screen shortcut for any remote
Create a home screen shortcut for any button
Auto repeat option for any IR button
3 different home screen widgets each with a unique combination of buttons
Scheduled button presses.
Several backgrounds to choose from
Support for several languages
Any button can be programmed to switch to another remote. A useful approach is to use remote layout 'remote3' and set up all your remotes with the same remote switching options using the 5 buttons in the top row. For the button that represents the remote you're currently on, program it as a macro with no commands and set the text color to green. This allows you to easily see which remote you are currently using. Another good approach is to use the hardware volume buttons to move forwards and backwards through a set of remotes.
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