Tuesday, 1 July 2014

download ECG Academy for free

ECG Academy


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ECG Academy is a quick reference and interactive study guide for electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) strips. Over 100 quiz questions are provided, covering both ECG medical background material as well as a "Name That Strip" section to see if you can identify the strip you see. It's a fun way to review what you know and keep your skills sharp.

In addition to the interactive quizzes, you can browse over 75 strips which come with a brief discussion pointing out the key characteristics and possible causes. Along with the measurement guide diagram and 12 lead placement diagram, you just may learn something new (or remember something old)!

As a special bonus, there is a CPR section covering the latest 2011 AHA guidelines, written by a certified CPR instructor. This includes a quick reference, an interactive quiz, and even a metronome to show you the proper speed of compressions!

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Stop ghettozing art. Contempt and Cage is not art at all free ECG Academy 1.0 torrent download . But pseudo intllectual modes duck tainment for the exhausted. Art collegia Delenda estsands Coherent criticism in the age of anti Intellecutalis Standardisierte academic mediocrity isKen Price, the great Los Angeles sculptor who at 77 at 77, always operated just below the threshold of the first-tier international applause. Much coterie of coterie of experienced collectors, critics and other artists, At first glance, the dubious misfortune work with clay, an art material languishing despite its ancient pedigree, in a modern ghetto. Change All -. Ken Price Sculpture: A Retrospective is the first of the autumn art season 16 September at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art before traveling to museums in Texas and New York. Prepare to get excited about.

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